There are 2 different ways to define Kits: 

1. Define a Kit in the ERP:

If you define the Kit in your ERP system you will configure the BOM ( Bill of Material, or Kit definition) in the ERP system. 

The product code that represents that Kit, should be setup as any other product to be sold on the e-commerce site. 

The product will be held on ODSNet as a normal product ( without Kit definition). 

When an order is placed for the product, and the order is transferred into your ERP system, your ERP system will recognise the that the product has a BOM. The BOM held in your ERP system will link the kit components to the ordered product. 

When an order is placed for a Kit defined in the ERP system, the kit will only have one line in the basket. 

2. Define the Kit on ODSNet:

It is possible to define the BOM ( the kit) on ODSNet. 

The kit components can either be products that can be ordered individually, or the kit components can be set to not be available for sale. If the kit components are set to not be available for sale ( see Manage Product), then the components can only be ordered as part of a kit. 

When an ordered is placed for a Kit defined on ODSNet, each component creates an order line in the basket, one line for each component. Each of the components must exist in the ERP system as an individual product.