Admin > Product Catalogue > Type of Goods
The ODSNet product catalogue has 3 levels, see Main Menu:
- Type of Goods - Top Level
- Groups - 2nd Level
- Sub-groups - 3rd Level
Type of Goods, or Type, is the 1st level in the product catalogue.
The Types are automatically created from the Type of Goods on the product record and part of the Product data.
The Following Features are linked to a Group:
Main Menu: Type of Goods are displayed in the main menu. The Main menu is created automatically when the Types, Groups and Sub Group are created. see Main Menu
At least one active product needs to be linked to a Group which is part of the Type for the Type to be displayed in the Menu.
If the Type is not displayed in the menu it could be that the products for the Type, or its Groups, belong to a different visibily group than the current user. See Visibility Groups.
Product Listing Page: All products linked to a Type are displayed on the Type Listing page. At the Top of the Listing page is a boiler plate.
Page URLs and SEO: The URL to a Group listing page is .
E.g. if the type is Electrical , the URL will be
Add Language: See Multilingual
Edit or create a Type of Goods:
There is normally no need to manually create Type as the groups as automatically created by the API, or product data load via XL. It is possible to maunally create additional product groups by clicking on "New". The fields are described below in Edit Type of Goods.
Delete Type: It is not possible to delete a Type of Goods is there a products linked to the Type.
Edit Type of Goods: Click on Edit in the list of of Type of Goods
Sort Order: Sort order controls the order in which the Types are displayed in the Main Menu.
Type of Goods Name: This will be displayed in the main menu.
The Type of Goods Description: This is the boiler plate at the top of the Type of Goods Listing page.
Type of Goods Image: The image will be displayed in the boiler plate.
Is Active: This menu item can be disabled. The products will still be active and available via the search.
Colour1, 2, 3: This controls the menu colours. Exactly what these control varies with site design.
See also: Type of Goods, Sub-groups, Products, Main Menu, Additional Product Groups, Multilingual , Products