Admin > Shipping > Delivery Charges
If delivery charges are retrieved via a carriers API, then there is no need to enter the delivery charges here.
ODSNet supports delivery charge calculation based on Value ( price ) , Volume, Weight and location ( postcode area )
One site can have a combination of services, own transport, charges retrieved via API, and services for which charges are specifid based on specific variables ( Volume, Weight, or Order Value ) .
Load Delivery Charges from XL-sheet
It is possible to upload the delivery charge definitions from an XL sheet.
Download the template from the Donwload Files drop down menu, add your charges as per the example provided and upload by clicking on the "Import Delivery Charges" button.
Delivery Charge Maintenance
It is also possible to manually Create , click "New" , or "Edit" an existing Delivery charge entry.
Post Code Surcharge
Here you can define an "uplift" for specific postcode areas.
E.g. if the charge for 10 Lbs weight package to normally is $10, you can define a post code ( zipcode) area for zipcodes in Alaska, with an uplift of $20. This means that if the delivery address is in Alaska, the delivery charge will be $30, for the rest of US it will be $10.
Edit Delivery Charges manually
Carrier: Select the Carrier linked to the Service
Service: In the drop down, find the Service, and the variable that should be used to determin the charge, in the example above the Service is "UPS Ground" and the variable is "Weight" ( Order Weight ).
From Weight: Enter from which weight the charge applies.
Note: if you select the same service but another variable, e.g. Order Value, the this field will say "From Value"
Delivery Charge: the Charge that should be applies. Charge before post code ( zipcode ) area uplift.
See also: