On ODSNet, we provide our users with a page that aggregates them to display all their current promotions, this is the Offers page.

To access your own offers page add "/Offers" to the end of your websites URL.

e.g. yourcompany.com/offers

When a product is put on a discount promotion, when the promotions are then updated from the promotions page in admin, this page will automatically add this product. However promotions will not all be listed on one page together, on first loading the offers, products from different groups will each be displayed under their groups on initially loading the page, from there users will be able to select which groups offers they are interested in.

However you will notice that if you have not applied any images to your groups the page may look a touch bland, to add an image to a group, go to the groups section of admin, this is under manage catalogue, find the group in question, click edit, you will then see towards the bottom of the page, a section to add an an image, save this and the group will now have an image on the offers page. 

To then allow your customers to easily access the page you will need to add a either a link to you websites megamenu menu, or via adding a content bucket to your front page that provides a link to the page.  

See also Promotions