

If an order is not received by your ERP system due to a deadlock in your database or other error, it is possible to manually re-send this order via the Admin Panel.

Re-sending an order

1. Login as an Admin and open your Admin Panel.

2. Go to Data Transfer > Monitor Data Exchange.

3. In the search bar, from the option drop down select "ExportSalesOrder", press Search.

4.Any orders with the Status of failed, Click "Resend" this will begin the process of re-sending an order.

To confirm the order has now been processed, please wait a few minutes and then search "ExportSalesOrder" again.

If after re-sending the order it still returning as failed, please check the "View message" in the response message column, this will provide information on why it has failed, if you are still unsure of the cause please contact us.