Admin > Content Management > Webcontents
Select Slideshow in the drop down
Area: Leave as Default
Active: Select if you like the Slideshow to be displayed
Page Access: Can be set to be displayed for both logged in and not logged in users ( All ), only logged in, or only not logged in users. This means that you can have one Slideshow showing before the site visitor logs in, and once logged in a different Slideshow is displayed.
Content Name: can be anything, this is not displayed anywhere.
From Date - To Date: You can pre-program Slide show changes. Normally , make sure to sent the End date far in the future, as the Slideshow will stop showing after the End date has passed.
Sort Order: if different slideshows are to be displayed in sequence.
The Actual content, can be as simple or complex as you like. For complex slideshows the srouce code editor in the WYSIWYG editor is normally required, together with some HTML knowledge.
See also: WYSIWYG editor, website content general and Custom CSS