Menu Builder
Admin > Content Management > Menu & Blog/News Category Builder
You can create links in the Main menu via Menu & Blog/News Category Builder
Please note: for performance reasons, the header, footer and menu items are cached on the server and a change will not immediately be reflected on the site. Could take up to 2 hours for the change to be visible.
Some of the menu types will automatically create sub-menues and link to data on the site (the product menues), thise menues can not be edited.
Types of menus:
Product Type of Goods - Displays the ecom product catalogue with mega menu and links to relvant product groups. This is normally active on an ecommerce site. - IMPORTANT: Do not make changes to this unless you are trained consultant.
Internal URLs - Use this to create Top level or Sub menus that will link to pages on the ecom site.
A target page can be any page on the site.
Browse to the page, copy the URL at the top of the page, exclude the domain part, and paste the rest in Target URL.
example 1 - link to a product group
Target page:
Target URL: beds
example 2 - link to a specific product
Target page:
Target URL: AX123456-CD-player
example 2 - link to a content page that you have created (see Corporate page)
Target page:
Target URL: /Shared/CorporateDisplayPage?DocumentName=My-Page
Sub and Top level Menus
Parent Menu: If a Menu is a top level menu, enter N/A
If a menu is a Sub Menu to another Menu item, find the Name of the Top Level Menu item in the drop down.
Note: If a Perent Menu only has one Sub Menu item, the Parent Menu till not be displayed. The Sub Menu item will be dsiplayed in the menu.