Admin > SEO > Search Synonyms

Search Synonyms shows a record of all the search terms used on site, their usage, the number of results, but we also allow the setup of specific terms, as well as the function to have these terms redirect to certain pages and or products.

Search Term  - Search terms currently stored.

Results Count - The number of Generic/main items in the search results for that term when last searched.

Usage Count - Number of times that search term has been used.

Redirect URL - If a redirect URL has been setup, where the redirect goes.

Entity Type - If a dynamic redirect is setup, what type of page it is linked to, i.e product, corporate page.

Setting Up a New Search Term

If a search term has not been used on the site before, you can setup a new entry.

Search Term  - Search term associated.

URL Type - Manual or Dynamic, manual will require you to enter the url you will use, dynamic allows you to set without manually entering the URL.

Redirect URL - If using a manual URL type, here you will enter the url to redirect to, e.g 


You do not need to use the full URL.

Entity Type - When set to Dynamic, you while get a selection of page types, i.e product, corporate page.

You will then get an option to select the page to redirect to.

Usage Examples

Example1: Incorrect spelling.

If your site is selling a product called excalibur , and you find from the report that users frequently spell this eskallibor, you can add a search synonym eskallibor, select URL type "Dynamic", select Entity Type "Product" and search for the actual product excalibur, click select and Save. 

You can also add manual target links, see below

Example2: Products not yet launched on the site

1) Create a Corporate Page: More Products coming soon. ( the page can hold information about the launch date , how to order products not yet on the site, contact details, .. )

2) Create a New search synonym for each of the product names, not yet launched. 

In URLType, select "Manual"

In RedirectURL, enter the URL of the Corporate page created in 1). e.g. more-products-coming-soon

Searches using the new product codes will redirect to this page. 

Once the product have been added on Ecom, the search synonyms should be removed. 

Downloading Search Term Usage

Through Admin > Data Transfer > Excel Export Data, you're able to download a spreadsheet of the search terms stored on site and their usage.