This article refers to the ImportPriceListV4 price import service.

Preparing the site for the import

Set the site to maintenance mode while the import is running, current pricing will be purged.

See the article here on how to setup maintenance mode.

To setup the service to pull the pricing go to Admin > Data Transfer > Service Configuration > ImportPriceListV4.

Service Type - Whether this service is linked to SAP B1, SAGE and ODS task, etc
Service Name - The Services Name ID, will also identify whether the version of the service, i.e ImportpricelistV2 vs ImportpricelistV3.
Purge Days - If the data exchange purge has been set to run, this field determines how long entries will remain in the exchange.
Flag - Determines whether the services will run on a time, i.e run at 23:00, or on a Interval, every 60 minutes, basis.
Interval Hours/Interval Minutes -  The time set in relation to the Flag setting.
Last Run Time - The date and time that the service will pull information from the ERP system, used with services such as the imports.
DateTime Stamp - The last time the service actually ran.
Fetch Records By - By default this will be set to DateTimeStamp, however some services can pull by ID, so with those you will want to set to Last Unique ID, it should then set back to DateTimeStamp  once pull is done.
Last Unique ID - If service can use pull by ID, this field will update on data pulls to most recent ID, it then needs to be set to 1, when that service is going to run a full data pull.
Alert Email Address - The email address where service failures will be sent.
Alert - Either set to true or false, will then send an email alert to the set email if the service has a failure.
Enabled - Determines whether this service is enabled or not.
Update Last-Run-Time on Failure - Set to true, the last run time field will not update if the service fails, so in the even that the ERP system is unavailable, we wouldn't skip some information.
Logging Enabled - Currently an unused field.

Enabling the Import

To Trigger the Import Immediately, set the Flag from Time to Interval, then set the Interval to 0 or 1.
The agent based on a separate database configuration runs on a minimum of checking if a service needs to run, once ever 120 seconds.

If saved as above, the import will begin at the earliest opportunity. 

Otherwise set a specified time for it to Start.

By default, 'Fetch records By' will be set to D or DateTime Stamp, this will pull pricing based on date,
i.e if set to 2022/12/14 10:00:00, it will pull data from the 12th of December at 10am.
Do not use this method for a full price pull. 

To pull all pricing, set to U or Last Unique ID, then set the unique ID field to 1.

If having to set to U, use a capital, it will not work with lowercase.

During the Import

To check the import go to Admin > Data Transfer > Monitor Data Exchange.
Pricing is pulled 10000 entries at a time.

If during the import, the import appears to get stuck, or there is some kind of issue and you need to Kill the import, 
please follow the steps in our ODS Agent Article, here.
This also advises on how to restart the agent as well.

After the Import

After the Price List has completed, the Import Pricepointers service will automatically trigger.
Once price pointer has run, run the update B2c users function, Admin > Pricing and Promotions > Promotions > Update Prices - B2c Users.

The Price List import service will default back to fetch records by D/Datetimestamp.

Log in as a regular site user to check the pricing is displaying correct.

If pricing is not displaying correctly, please log out and in again to confirm, if you're still having issues, please contact us to investigate and put the site back into maintenance mode.

If possible, make sure all customers have logged out or the site has been restarted, customer will then see the latest
pricing when logging back in.

Trouble Shooting

If you experience any issues accessing or viewing products after running through the above, we recommend clearing and updating the site Index and Cache, this can be done by going to Admin > Site Configuration > Ecommerce Control.

Run in the Following order.

1. Run Clear Index, wait until the view results box displays.

This can be clicked on to view the message

2. Run Update Index, wait until the view results has update to display Index updated.

3. Run Clear Cache, wait until the view results has updated.

4. Run Update Cache.

Once this has been run, this should resolve outstanding issues.

Version 6.8 Notes

As of Version 6.8, when product import runs we're also triggering the price list import, and the update b2c pricing, 

I'd advise when running a full price import that these 2 be disabled as to not cause any possible issues while running the price import.