Sometimes it is needed to re-import of all products from the ERP system to ecom.

Depending on the amount of products being imports, this may take some time to run.


To run a simple reimport of all products from sap go to Admin > Data Transfer > Service Configuration.

Find the service labeled ImportProductsV2 and click edit.

To trigger the import immediately, change both the Last-Run-Time: and DateTime Stamp: fields to 1985/01/01 00:00:01 and save, shortly the service will pull all the products from SAP.


To run a simple reimport of all products from sap go to Admin > Data Transfer > Service Configuration.

Find the service labeled ImportProductsV3 and click edit.

You will then need to set the fetch record to Last Unique ID, and the Last Unique ID to 1. 

While this is running, the site must be set to be into Maintenance Mode.

To put the site into maintenance mode, in ODSnet version 5.3 this is held in Admin > Site Configuration > Dictionary Lookups >  MaintenanceMode.

Se the following Fields to

Config 1 - On/Off to enable and disable.

Config 2 - The message you'd like to display to any site visitors while in maintenance.

Config 3 -The run from date/time, using format DD/MM/YYY HH:MM:SS .

Config 4 -Run to date/time, using the above format.

From Version 6 and up, this is now held in Admin > Site Configuration > System Configuration  >Maintenance Mode 

Se the following Fields to

Config 1 - true/false To enable and disable.

Config 2 - The message you'd like to display to any site visitors while in maintenance.

Config 3 -The run from date/time, using format DD/MM/YYY HH:MM:SS .

Config 4 -Run to date/time, using the above format.

Next What you will need to do is set all products to inactive and not available for sale, this can be done from the data import export tool, the general instructions for using the import export tool can be found here 

In the sheet downlaoded from ecom, you will need to set all products to have their O(ProductDetailAvailableForSaleFlag) and Q(ProductDetailActiveFlag) to N, save this updated sheet and import it back into ecom.

If your version of ODSnet does not include the import export tool, please let us know and we can set the products to inactive for you.

Once the site is in maintenance and all the products have been set to inactive, begin the import of products.