Page Settings - Listing Pages Settings

Sub Category: Listing Page Settings  & System Config: ProductListing

In this category you will able to set and update the product listing page features, there are 12 configurations which can be set.

1. ListingPageView: There are 3 different version of the listing pages you can set (List, Grid and Narrow)

 a. List View:

b. Grid View:

c. Narrow:

2. GenericProductsOnly: As part of our product data, we can link products together via a generic code, as well as defining a main product for the generic code by setting a generic default.

1. Set the config True:

 -If this configuration is set to true, only products set as the generic default would display on the listing pages.

 2. Set the config False:  

     If set to false, all products regardless of whether they are set as a generic default will display on the listing pages.

3. Search_DisplayAllFilters: - On search and listing pages this allows us to narrow down the filter items, to just those assigned to the generic defaults, rather than to all products, including those linked to the generic defaults.

When set to true, all the filter items will be displayed.

When set to false, only those assigned to the generic default products will.

4. Display Product Generic Code B2B,B2C:

 - This config allows for the listing page to be configured to display a products generic code on the listing page,

either for all users, or depending on whether the users is a retail/guest or a trade user.

B2b = Trade

B2c = Retail/Guest

a. true,false  - Display for B2B and not for B2C

b. false,true  - Display for B2C and not for B2B

c. true,true   - Will display for both

d. false,false - Will not display for either

- If set to true for a user type, it will display as shown below.

5. Display Brand Name B2B,B2C:

This Config allows for the display of a products brand name on the listing pages, like with the previous configuration this can be set for all, or specific user type.

B2b = Trade

B2c = Retail/Guest

a. true,false  - Display for B2B and not for B2C

b. false,true  - Display for B2C and not for B2B

c. true,true   - Will display for both

d. false,false - Will not display for either

- An example of the brand displaying can be seen below.

6. Display Product Generic Description: Part of the information we pull across from ERP systems is a generic description, this generic description can be set to be displayed on the listing pages.

If set to true, it can be displayed as shown below.

7. Display Collapsible Filter Options: All products can have filtering information assigned to them, these can either be specifically created for a group, or based on default information that we request from an ERP system such as Brand.

If you do not want to display all the filter options to users when they load a page, only a filter type, we can set them to be automatically collapsed.

 - When set to true, it will display as shown below, and users can expand these filter types.

8. Display Colour Variation: If you have linked together multiple products via a generic code, each with a different colour, when this configuration is enabled we can display what colour variations are available, as well as whether that colour variant is in stock or out of stock, this stock information is based on stored in formation rather than live data.

This Config will also enable to the in stock label to be displayed as can be seen the in screen shots below.

If a product has multiple sizes of product linked, it will display the sizes that are in stock instead.

An example of this  below allows me to see that both of these coloured versions of the same product are both in stock as well as what they look like.

b. Set the config False:

- If this was set to false, you would only see the generic default product on the listing page.

9. Teeth,Grade comma seprated FilterTypeDescription: 

This Configuration is used when we're displaying the sizes in stock, as shown below, if an item linked via the generic code, does not have a size filter item, or the filter item =N/a (not applicable), then it will look to find other filter items it can display.

Based on the entered config above, first it would look for filter item associated with teeth, if it then could not find one, it would look in Grade.

This configuration requires 'Display Colour Variation'

10. Display ViewDetail Button without login: This config allows for you to determine whether a view details button is displayed to guest users when they are browser product listings before logging in.

This setting is intended for when b2cisavailble is set to false, and guest users cannot purchase items. 

a. Set the config true:

- When set to true, the view detail button will display.

b. Set the config false:

When set to false it will not.

11. Display You May Also Like Products:

 - To display the 'You may also like products' widget on listing page this needs to be enabled, as highlighted in the  

Product detail page settings here, the 'you may also like' widget configuration there also needs to be enabled.

When enabled for listing page, it will take the upsell associated items from the products within the group, however when on an offer listing page, or a search by string page, the upsell associated items will be displayed based on the groupid from the product detail page configuration.

Please let us know the group you'd like these to come from and we can get the ID you'd like.


12. Display Recently View Product: If you want to display recently viewed product then set the config true or if not then set false 

a. Set the config false

 If you set the config false then you will not see the recently viewed products


b. Set the config true

        - If you set the config true then you will see the recently view product in the listing page as can be seen below.

Sub Category: Listing Page Settings  & System Config: PagingAndSorting

In this category you will able to set the default all well as options for the number of products you wish to display at once,

as well as the listing pages sorting options, as well as it's default option.

1. PageSize (comma separated values): Here you set options for the number of of products can be listing at onceAfter entering a value such as 12, you then enter a comma and the next value.

2. Default PageSize:

Here you enter the default number of products you would like displayed per listing page.

3. SortOrder:Text: PriceLowHigh,PriceHighLow,NameAscending,NameDescending,CodeAscending,CodeDescending

Here you can set what sort ordering can be used on the listing pages by customers.

currently we support;







Like the Pagesize, each they need to be seperated by a comma.

4. Default SortOrder:

- Here you set the default sort method.

Note, Additionally for search results pages, we also have a relevance option which displays by default,

the relevance sorts by using the GenericDescription, ProductDescription  and ProductDescription2 product information, the if the search matches to multiple fields it will be higher in the results.