Page Settings - Checkout Page
Sub Category: Checkout Page & System Config: CheckoutPage
1. Checkout CustomerOrderRef B2C Mandatory: This config, is to set whether to display and set as mandatory, an order reference field in on the checkout page for Retail/guest site users.
Below are the possible configurations;
False,false - The order reference will not display.
True,false - The order reference field will display but will not be required.
True,true - The reference will display and will be required.
See below an image of the reference field enabled.
See below an image of the reference field disabled.
2. Hide delivery date: This config display a delivery data calendar, so customer can request a delivery date.
If set as false, the delivery date field will be displayed to users.
If the users selects a date, it will then be transferred via the order XML to SAP, as can be seen below.
If set to false, this field will not display.
3. Hide Delivery Option: This config allows the delivery service options in checkout to be displayed/hidden.
If set to false, the delivery service options available to the customer will be displayed.
If set to true, the service options will not be displayed.
4. Allow Delivery address as BillingAddress,ShippingAddress,CollectionAddress,AlternativeAddress:
This config allows you to determine what addresses are available for customers to order to.
Billing Address - This will be the address either setup by the customer, or in SAP as the billing address.
Shipping Address - This will be the address either setup by the customer, or in SAP as their shipping/shipto address.
Collection Addresses - If the site has setup a collection address, if set to true, users will be able to set as the delivery address.
Alternative Address - Customers will be allowed to input new address at the checkout page, for the order to be shipped too.
Let's say you set it as above screenshot then you will see these types of selected address on the checkout page
To display the collection address, the following other setups must have been done.
A Collection shipping service must have been configured.
A carrier assignment rule for the Collection service must also have been configured.
A Collection address will then be displayed on the checkout page as a delivery options.
Note: The collection address itself is configured in the company detail information, admin > Site config > Company Data.
5. Delivery instructions length: This configure determines the amount of information can be entered into the delivery instructions field in the checkout page.
Depending on the number of character this field is set to will determine how much information the user will be able to enter, if they exceed this length, they will receive a warning in the checkout.
6. Hide Shipping Fields: Along with standard fields such as line1, town, postal/zip code, we can also provide fields for the name of the recipient, company, and telephone, this config determines whether these will be displayed to users.
If set to false, they will be displayed.
If set to true, they will not.
7. Default ShipToContact based on priority, Set both to false for empty (First - UserAddresses.ShipToContact (true/false), Second - Users.UserFullName (true/false)
This config determines whether the Shipping name should be filled out by default.
This config has the following possible configurations;
False,false - The field will not be Filled out by default on the checkout page.
True,false - If the address already has a shipping name associated, i.e was brought across from SAP the Shipping name will be displayed from there, other wise the field will remain blank.
True, True - In the event the shipping address did not have a name associated, the Name would be populated based on the users Full name.
False, True - By default the shipping name will be based on the users full name.
8. Default ShipToCompany based on priority, Set both to false for empty (First - UserAddresses.ShipToCompany (true/false), Second - Users.UserCompanyName (true/false)
This config determines whether the Shipping company name should be filled out by default.
This config has the following possible configurations;
False,false - The field will not be Filled out by default on the checkout page.
True,false - If the address already has a company name associated, i.e was brought across from SAP the Shipping company name will be displayed from there, other wise the field will remain blank.
True, True - In the event the shipping address did not have a company name associated, the Name would be populated based on the users company name.
False, True - By default the shipping name will be based on the users company name.
9. Default ShipToTelephone based on priority, Set both to false for empty (First - UserAddresses.ShipToTelephone (true/false), Second - Users.UserTelephone (true/false)
This config determines whether the Shipping telephone number should be filled out by default.
This config has the following possible configurations;
False,false - The field will not be Filled out by default on the checkout page.
True,false - If the address already has a telephone number associated, i.e was brought across from SAP the Shipping telephone number will be displayed from there, other wise the field will remain blank.
True, True - In the event the shipping address did not have a telephone number associated, the telephone number would be populated based on the users telephone number.
False, True - By default the shipping name will be based on the users telephone number.
10. Display You May Also Like Products (true/false):
- To display the 'You may also like products' widget on the Checkout page it also needs to have been enabled on the product detail settings, as explained here.
If set to true for the checkout page the upsell associated items will be displayed based on the groupid from the Basket page configuration.
Please let us know the Group you'd like these to come.
11. Display Recently View Product (true/false): This config determines whether recently viewed products will display on the checkout page.
If set to true, it will display.
12. Customer Order Ref B2B (Display,Required) (true,false): This config, is to set whether to display and set as mandatory, an order reference field on the checkout page for Trade site users.
Below are the possible configurations;
False,false - The order reference will not display.
True,false - The order reference field will display but will not be required.
True,true - The reference will display and will be required.
See below an image of the reference field enabled.
12. Ship to telephone number Required (true,false): This config is for use when the additional shipping fileds, ship contact, company and telephone are in use.
If set to true the telephone field will be required to be filled out.
13. Decoration Order Selection (Display,Required): This config is used when we want to set the Order type for any customer. and here, you can set the order type display/hide and required or not in checkout page.
This functionality is used for if customer want to decorate the products or not. if select the decoration service then it will placed this order with Decoration order and also inform to customer via Order confirmation email. or if not then place as normal order.
if set to true then you will see the Order Type section in checkout page
Here is the email
In the checkout, checkbox selected or not display based on Customer Account.
Go to Admin > Sales > Customer Account > Now select the customer
and here you can set the None, Blank Order and Decoration Order. if you select the Decoration order then in the checkout page by default selected the Decoration checkbox as shown below the screenshot
Sub Category: UserAddress & System Config: UserAddressFieldsConfiguration
This configs allow you to set sorting for address's field
1. ShipToContact (Display,SortOrder, DefaultValue(First - UserAddresses.ShipToContact(true,false), Second - Users.UserFullName(true,false)) (false,1,true,false)
This config determines whether the Shipping name should be filled out by default as well as hide/show.
This config has the following possible configurations;
False,1,False,false - The field will not be Filled out by default on the checkout page as well as not display.
True,1,True,false - If the address already has a shipping name associated, i.e was brought across from SAP the Shipping name will be displayed from there, other wise the field will remain blank.
True,1,True, True - In the event the shipping address did not have a name associated, the Name would be populated based on the users Full name.
True,1,False, True - By default the shipping name will be based on the users full name.
Note: This field sorted by this coma 1, 2,3 etc digit.
2. ShipToCompany (Display,SortOrder, DefaultValue(First - UserAddresses.ShipToCompany(true/false), Second - Users.UserCompanyName(true/false))) (false,2,true,false)
This config determines whether the Shipping company name should be filled out by default as well as hide/show.
This config has the following possible configurations;
False,2,False,false - The field will not be Filled out by default on the checkout page as well as not display.
True,2,True,false - If the address already has a company name associated, i.e was brought across from SAP the Shipping company name will be displayed from there, other wise the field will remain blank.
True,2,True, True - In the event the shipping address did not have a company name associated, the Name would be populated based on the users company name.
True,2,False, True - By default the shipping name will be based on the users company name.
Note: This field sorted by this coma 1, 2,3 etc digit.
3. ShipToTelephone (Display,SortOrder, DefaultValue(First - UserAddresses.ShipToTelephone(true/false), Second - Users.UserTelephone(true/false))) (false,3,true/false)
This config determines whether the Shipping telephone number should be filled out by default as well as hide/show..
This config has the following possible configurations;
False,3,False,false - The field will not be Filled out by default on the checkout page as well as not display.
True,3,True,false - If the address already has a telephone number associated, i.e was brought across from SAP the Shipping telephone number will be displayed from there, other wise the field will remain blank.
True,3,True, True - In the event the shipping address did not have a telephone number associated, the telephone number would be populated based on the users telephone number.
True,3,False, True - By default the shipping name will be based on the users telephone number.
Note: This field sorted by this coma 1, 2,3 etc digit.
4. AddressLine1 (Display,SortOrder) (true,4): This config allow you to hide/unhide the address line 1 field and as well as sorting
Last digit allow you to set this field sorting wise
if set to true then it will display the address line 1 field in checkout page or if set to true then hide this field
5. AddressLine2 (Display,SortOrder) (true,5): This config allow you to hide/unhide the address line 2 field and as well as sorting
Last digit allow you to set this field sorting wise
if set to true then it will display the address line 2 field in checkout page or if set to true then hide this field
6. AddressLine3 (Display,SortOrder) (true,6): This config allow you to hide/unhide the address line 3 field and as well as sorting
Last digit allow you to set this field sorting wise
if set to true then it will display the address line 3 field in checkout page or if set to true then hide this field
7. UserTown (Display,SortOrder) (true,7): This config allow you to hide/unhide the User Town field and as well as sorting
Last digit allow you to set this field sorting wise
if set to true then it will display the User Town field in checkout page or if set to true then hide this field
8. UserCounty (Display,SortOrder) (true,8): This config allow you to hide/unhide the User Country field and as well as sorting
Last digit allow you to set this field sorting wise
if set to true then it will display the User Country field in checkout page or if set to true then hide this field
9. UserPostCode (Display,SortOrder) (true,9): This config allow you to hide/unhide the User Postcode field and as well as sorting
Last digit allow you to set this field sorting wise
if set to true then it will display the User Postcode field in checkout page or if set to true then hide this field
10. CountryName (Display,SortOrder) (true,10): This config allow you to hide/unhide the Country Name field and as well as sorting
Last digit allow you to set this field sorting wise
if set to true then it will display the County Name field in checkout page or if set to true then hide this field