Currently we use Quick Address for UK address Validation and Ziptastic for US address Validation

Postcode/ Zipcode Validation:

To configure addresses to be validated for a country, the country record needs to have validation enabled.

Go to the Admin > Site Configuration > Countries > Select the country to set the postcode validation

Let's say for example the United States!

Click the Edit button and select the address validation checkbox

If you select the address validation checkbox then postcode validation will be enabled in the website  pages like (My account, View basket, and Order Checkout page, etc.)

For US and US Territory addresses, which uses Ziptastic Lookup, on entering the Zipcode, the US State and Town will be automatically populated.

For UK Addresses using Quick address Lookup , on entering the Post code, click find address.

A window will then open allowing users to select their address.

Or if you set the False, the system will not validate Post Codes or ZipCodes entered by the user.

Quick Address

SubCategory: Web Service  Config Type: ODSWebServiceUrls

The quick address connection details are held in the ODSWebServiceUrls system configuration, system config data 3.


In addition to verifying addresses during checkout and other sections of the front end of the site, Ziptastic will also be used to verify addresses are valid during the user and user address import process.

With Ziptastic, we can connect to one of 2 services:

- A free URL which is is not fully up to date on all zip codes in the US but allows for free use.

- There is also a paid url, which is kept up to date but requires a subscription, which can be purchased from

The paid service will provide a certain number of request per day depending on the tier purchased.

We recommend when looking to run a full import of users/user address to switch to the free service, as to not use up all your allotted requests per day.

To set the Ziptastic configuration,

Go to the Admin > Site Configuration > System Configuration

SubCategory: Ziptastic API & System Config Type: Ziptastic API




2. Licence key 

If you are using the free version of Ziptastic, leave configuration 2 empty, this config is used to hold the licence key for the paid version.