Sub Category: Product Detail Page Settings & System Config: WidgetUpsellProduct
This config determines whether the upsell widget can be displayed on the product detail page.
The products displayed using this widget are based on an upsell associations, which is manually assigned to a product.
1. Display Widget (true/false): When set to true, as long as the upsell setting is also set to true in the product page config, we will be able to display upsell products.
2. Widget Heading text: Determines the text that will be show above the widget.
2. Number Of Upsell Products: Determines the number of Products that can be shown in the widget at a time.
Sub Category: Product Detail Page Settings & System Config: WidgetYouMayAlsoLike
This configs needs to be enabled to display our YouMayAlsoLike widget in the product detail and product listing page.
This widget also picks up the products it displays, based on upsell associations.
1. Display Widget (true/false): This config needs to be set to true for the widget to be displayed on either the listing or product page.
2. Number of Products: This config allows to determine how many of the upsell products you want to display within the widget on the listing page.
3. GroupId Of YouMayAlsoLike products: This config allows to set the Group ID which is assigned to each product group.
This config will be used to show upsell product when searching, in checkout, basket and on offer pages.
Sub Category: Product Detail Page Settings & System Config: AddtoBasketOutOfStock
This Config allows you to change how the Add to Basket button displays if there is currently no stock available for the product.
1. Button Color & Text Product OutofStock
a. Set the config True
Config 1 allows you to enable and disable the configuration, see below an example of how it can display when enabled and a product is out of stock.
b. Set the config False and the button will display in line with the sites theme.
2. Button Color hexcode (#F4E900): In this configuration you enter a colours hex code for the button to display in
when not stock is availble.
3. Button Text Color hexcode (#05161c): In this config you enter a colour hex code for the buttons text.
Sub Category: Product Detail Page Settings & System Config: ProductPage
This category allows you to mange aspects of the product detail page, there are 8 configurations.
1. Display Recently View Product(true/false): Allows you display a widget to users which shows them their recently viewed products, this can encourage them to revisit these products.
a. Set the config True
When set to true this widget will display on the product page.
b. Set the config False
If you set to false this will be removed.
2. Display Best Selling Brand Product(true/false): This config allows a widget to be displayed on the product detail page which can show users best selling products from the website, this configuration requires that the sales score be enabled in the ecommerce control panel.
a. Set the config True
When enabled it will display the top 4 products with a sale score between 3-5, out sales score rating is from 1-5, with 5 being the highest.
b. Set the config False
Or if you set the config false then you will not see the best selling brand product in the detail page.
3. Recently View Product Count: This config allow to set how many recently viewed products will display.
I.e if set to 2, users will see their recently viewed products as below.
4. Single Product Variation Active Quantity Set to One (true/false) -- Redundant
5. Display Upsell Product(true/false): Requires the upsell widget configuration under system config WidgetUpsellProduct to be set to true to work.
When set to true, a products specified upsell items will be displayed on it's products detail page.
When set to true, these upsell products will display as shown below.
6. Display You may also like (true/false): Similar to upsell items, however on the product detail page, it will only show items from the same group as long as they have been associated to the item being viewed as an upsell item..
7. Display Product Code B2B,B2C (true/false): You can set the product code to display as a SKU using this config, as well as setting whether retail, trade or both can see this when viewing product pages.
a. Set the config True
When set to true it will display as below.
B2b = Trade users
B2c = Guest/Retail users
8. Display BuildCode and BuildPrice(true/false): If a product has been configured as a Build item,
we can configure the page to display the Build code and price, below the build product button.
a. Set the config True
If set to true on an applicable product, it will display as below.
b. Set the config False
When false this will not display.