Sub Category: Field Sales Dashboard & System Config: CustomFieldSalesDashboard
In this category, you can set the dashboard for for fieldsales users/sales reps.
Configs 1 to 4 allow you to set what will be displayed in the dsaboard and the text to display.
1. System Config 1: (Add comma separated OrderStatus,OrderDescription)
a. Awaiting Despatch
System config 1 is set for Awaiting Despatch with Order Status of 5 then the Name to display, which is comma separated.
2. System Config 2: (Add comma separated OrderStatus,OrderDescription)
a. Invoiced
System config 2 is set for Invoiced with Order Status of 8 then the Name to display, which is comma separated.
3. System Config 3: (Add comma separated OrderStatus,OrderDescription)
a. Back Ordered
System config 3 is set for Back Ordered with Order Status of 4 then the Name to display, which is comma separated.
4. System Config 4: (Add comma separated OrderStatus,OrderDescription)
a. Credit Stopped
System config 4 is set for Credit Stopped with Order Status of 2 then the Name to display, which is comma separated.
Sub Category: Configuration & System Config: FieldSalesConfiguration
In the category, you will manage the field sales config and there are 3 configs to manage.
1. Allow Telesales Create Order in Field Sales (true/false): This config allows field sales users to create place orders using the telesales menu, while in field sales
If set to true a Create Order option will display when using the fieldsales menu, to place an order, furst select the customer you'd like to place the order for, then select create order.
2. Use B2CAnonymUserAccount(true/false):
IF set to true, if the Fieldsales user attempts to go from the field sales module to the front end of the site, they will view the site and be able to place orders through the front end site as the user set as the B2c anonymous account.
3. Use Commission Views(true/false): If the ERP system has been configured with Commission columns for orders we can display these.
a. Set the config True
If the SAP system has been configured for these, if set to true the field sales module will be able to display commision values for order, in sales and reports.
b. Set the config False
If set to false these will not be displayed.
Sub Category: Field Sales Report & System Config: CustomFieldSalesReport
This config will allow
1. Menu/Heading Name: This config allows to set the heading name
As you can see below, the header for the custom sales report is displayed based on what has been entered in this field.
2. BrandName
If you set BrandName in this config then you will see the brands column displayed in the Custom sales report.
If removed it will not display.
3. TypeofGoodsName
If you set TypeofGoodsName in this config then you will see the Type of Goods column displayed in the Custom sales report.
If removed it will not display.
4. GroupName
If you set GroupName in this config then you will see the GroupName column displayed in the Custom sales report.
If removed it will not display.
5. ProductGenericCode
If you set ProductGenericCode in this config then you will see the ProductGenericCode column displayed in the Custom sales report.
If removed it will not display.
Sub Category: Configuration & System Config: Field Sales Choice of Price List
This Configuration is only relevant is Field sales users are allowed to create orders.
1. Allow Operator to select Price List in Fieldsales Screen (True/False):
If set to true, when a field sales user is placing an order they will be able to select the price list that will be used for each order line.
If set to false, pricing will be based on users assigned pricelist.
2. Choose from All Price Lists or From a selection (All/Selection):
This config will determine, whether the pricelists the sales rep can select from are limited or not.
If set to all, all pricelists currently in the system would be available to the field sales user.
If set to false it will be determined by what is entered in config 3.
3. Selected Prices Lists seperated by comma, eg. PriceList1,PriceList2,PriceList5:
If the above config had been set to selection, here you will specify which pricelists will be availble.
Eg. if this field was set to test1,test2,test3
As long as all of these existed as pricelist names, they would then be available to the fieldsales user.
4. Default Selected Price List: This config allows you to set the default price list from the price list dropdown
I.e if in config 3, it had be set to test1,test2,test3, then in this config it had been set to test2, that would be the default listing selected when generating an order line.
5. User Customer Price as Default Price (true/false): This config allow you to by default select the default price list for the selected customer in order line
If you set the config true then it will by default select the default price list for the selected customer and if set the config false then it work based on config 4 as show above