Sub Category: Configuration & System Config: TeleSalesConfiguration

1. Item code of cancelled order line for amend order: 

Amend orders allows for changes to be logged for orders after the order has been placed, in the event of removing an item, 

the item code specified here will be used for the line where a product was removed.

2. Send Order Confirmation Email(True/False)

This config determines whether the order confirmation emails will be sent for orders placed in 


If set to true, users will receive emails for orders placed via telesales, if false they will not be sent.

3. Delivery instructions length: This config determines the length of the delivery instructions that can be entered in telesales.

If the entered data exceeds the number of character specified, users will receive a warning.

4. Checkout Display Shipping Fields - Comma separated value (ShipToContact,ShipToCompany,ShipToTelephone) eg. (true,false,false)

The config determines whether the Ship to contact, ship to company and ship to telephone fields will display in telesales.


true,true,true - all three fields would display.

True,false,false - Ship to contact would be the only field to display.

True,true,false - Ship to contact and Ship to company would display.

false,false,true - Only Ship to telephone would display.

false,false,false - None of the fields would display.

5. Default ShipToContact based on priority, Set both to false for empty (First - UserAddresses.ShipToContact (true/false), Second - Users.UserFullName (true/false)

This config determines whether the Shipping name should be filled out by default.

This config has the following possible configurations;

False,false  - The field will not be Filled out by default on the checkout page.

True,false - If the address already has a shipping name associated, i.e was brought across from SAP the Shipping name will be displayed from there, other wise the field will remain blank.

True, True - In the event the shipping address did not have a name associated, the Name would be populated based on the users Full name.

False, True - By default the shipping name will be based on the users full name.

6. Default ShipToCompany based on priority, Set both to false for empty (First - UserAddresses.ShipToCompany (true/false), Second - Users.UserCompanyName (true/false)

Note: This config works when system config 4 is True

This config determines whether the Shipping company name should be filled out by default.

This config has the following possible configurations;

False,false  - The field will not be Filled out by default on the checkout page.

True,false - If the address already has a company name associated, i.e was brought across from SAP the Shipping company name will be displayed from there, other wise the field will remain blank.

True, True - In the event the shipping address did not have a company name associated, the Name would be populated based on the users company name.

False, True - By default the shipping name will be based on the users company name.

7. Default ShipToTelephone based on priority, Set both to false for empty (First - UserAddresses.ShipToTelephone (true/false), Second - Users.UserTelephone (true/false)

Note: This config works when system config 4 is True

This config determines whether the Shipping  telephone number should be filled out by default.

This config has the following possible configurations;

False,false  - The field will not be Filled out by default on the checkout page.

True,false - If the address already has a  telephone number associated, i.e was brought across from SAP the Shipping  telephone number will be displayed from there, other wise the field will remain blank.

True, True - In the event the shipping address did not have a telephone number associated, the telephone number would be populated based on the users telephone number.

False, True - By default the shipping name will be based on the users telephone number.

8. Use B2CAnonymUserAccount(true/false)

If set to true, while In the telesales, if the telesales user is not viewing any accounts, and they click to view the ecom site, they will be able to view the site and place orders as the user that had been setup as the B2C anonymous account.

To check your B2C user go to Admin > Site Config > System Configuration > B2CAnonymUserAccount to view userID.

9. Alternative Display Shipping Fields - Comma separated value (ShipToContact,ShipToCompany,ShipToTelephone) eg. (true,false,false)

This config allows you to determine whether the Ship to contact, company and telephone fields display on the alternative address page in telesales.


true,true,true - all three fields would display.

True,false,false - Ship to contact would be the only field to display.

True,true,false - Ship to contact and Ship to company would display.

false,false,true - Only Ship to telephone would display.

false,false,false - None of the fields would display.

10. Use Amend Order (true/false): This config enables the amend order for telesales.

If a user has placed an order but they wish to change it this can be done through telesales using the amend function

If set to true, then the amend option will be shown for orders which are currently open.

If amend is available, you will be able to remove lines, change quantities and add lines, these changes will then go into SAP.

11. Display Tracking Information (true/false): This config allows to display the order tracking button (this functionalilty allows to track the order which you placed)

If you set the config true then you will see the tracking button or if you set the config false then want be see this button

Once you click this tracking button then you will see this page

Sub Category: Configuration & System Config: ProductSearch

This category allows to manage and update the product search items in the products lookup window in telesales.

1. Lookup Search Include ProductTypes - Comma separated product types N,K,C,O,M,D

Let's say you set the config based on above screenshot then you will see this types of checkbox in product lookup page

N-Normal: This lookup checkbox allows to filter all the product from the system

K-Kit: This lookup checkbox allows to filter and display the kit product (for those products which have Kit types)

O-Product Build Option: This lookup checkbox allows to filter and display the all build product

D- Designer Value Pack: Filter on DVP's

C- Component: Filter on Kit components

M- Main Configuration: Filter on the main components for builds.

2. Lookup Search Include Non-sale products - true/false: This config allows to display/hide the non-sales product checkbox

If set to true then you will see the Salable checkbox on the product lookup page

Salable: This lookup checkbox allows to filter Available For Sale products, this is based on available for sales option/UDF coming from the ERP system.

3. Lookup Search Include Non-Active products - true/false: This config allows to hide/unhide the Active checkbox in the product lookup page

If set to true this allows you to filter out any items which are currently not active on the website.

4. Lookup Selected ProductTypes - Comma separated product types which should be selected when lookup is first loaded

When opening the product lookup window, the product type dictated here are what will be displayed.

I.e with a configuration of N,K Normal and Kit products will be displayed.

5. AutoFill Search Include ProductTypes - Comma separated product types N,K,C,O,M,D

It will automatically fill that checkbox which is added in this config and products will display based on that

6. AutoFill Search Include Non-sale products - true/false

Set the config true

if you set the config true then it will display all the sales and non-sales products on the lookup page.

Set the config false

if set to false then it will display only saleable products on the lookup page.

7. AutoFill Search Include Non-Active products - true/false

Set the config true

if you set the config true then it will display all the Active and non-Active products on the lookup page.

if to false then it will display only the Active products on the lookup page.

Sub Category: Configuration & System Config: Choice of Price List

In this category, you will set the pricelist that will be used on the order page in telesales.

1. Allow Operator to select Price List in Telesales Screen (True/False): 

This config enables a drop down list of pricelists to be displayed.

If set to true a drop down of the available pricelists will be displayed on the order page.

If set to false it will not display and pricing should be based on user pricing.

2. Choose from All Price Lists or From a selection (All/Selection): 

This config will determine, whether the pricelists the telesales iser can select from are limited or not.

If set to all, all pricelists currently in the system would be available to the field sales user.

If set to false it will be determined by what is entered in config 3.

3. Selected Prices Lists separated by comma, eg. PriceList1,PriceList2,PriceList5: 

If the above config had been set to selection, here you will specify which pricelists will be availble.

Eg. if this field was set to test1,test2,test3 

As long as all of these existed as pricelist names, they would then be available to the telesales user.

4. Default Selected Price List: The default pricelist displayed when adding lines in the telesales order page.

If there are multiple pricelists available, but most orders are placed using a specific price list, enter it's name here and it will be the pricelist that will initially display for each order line.

5. User Customer Price as Default Price (true/false): This config allow you to by default select the default price list for the selected customer in order line

If you set the config true then it will by default select the default price list for the selected customer and if set the config false then it work based on config 4 as show above

Sub Category: Configuration & System Config: CustomerOrderTemplates

1. Telesales/FieldSales - Populate Order Templates: This config allows to auto populate the product which have the Customer part number in customer account page

Auto populate based on the customer account page

Click the Product Part Number button

You will redirect to this customer part number and based on this product is auto populate in Orderline page