Sub Category: Basic Settings & System Config: ProductIndexAndCache
1. Website URL: The Sites' URL. This URL 's cache data will be updated by the ODS agent and Excel.
The ODS Agent is the windows service that imports PRODUCT data from your ERP Solution.
You may also import data directly via Excel.
Website Cache Data is used to enhance the performance of the site.
2-3. Username + Password: These are used by the ODS Agent windows service to authenticate access.
Sub Category: Basic Settings & System Config: BasicSiteSettings
This category allows users to manage the basic settings for the website, there are 12 configurations held here.
1. Site Physical Path: Here we set the physical path to where the sites files are stored on the webserver,
this allows the users to maintain the sites' email templates, language jsons and media etc.
2. Site Title: This Text is displayed in the browser tab header when viewing a product detail page,
it will be appended to the product name. This column is used by Search Engines like Google etc.
3. HostName (ex: Set to the site host name -- Redundant
4. Default Language: This config allows to manage the default website language
Here we set 'EN' (English) as the default language so the website will display in English by default.
If the default language of the site was Spanish we would set to 'ES' so that when users visited the site, it would display in Spanish.
5. IsB2CAvailable: Determines whether Guest/Retail customers are allowed to Register and place orders on the site.
If set to true, Guest users are allowed to view the site and place orders, as shown below I can add items to my basket without being logged in. At the checkout I will be asked to Register as a guest user.
If set to false, they would be advised to login before placing any orders and they would not have the option to register as a user. They do however have the facility to apply for a Trade account whereby an email of the contact details will be sent to the customer services department.
6. VisibilityGroup: Determines whether Product Visibility is in use. The product visibility function allows you to limit what products the customer can purchase on the website.
If true, a user will only be able to purchase products assigned to their visibility group. If False, a user will be able to purchase any product on the site.
7. PVCustomerTypeId: This is the sites default visibility group that the users will see before they logon. This configuration is used when a site is for B2B site only. If the site is meant for both B2C/B2B users, the default products will be defined by the default B2C user.
8. UseAmendOrder: This configuration defines if users are allowed to amend orders that have been previously placed on the website. They will only be allowed to amend orders where the status is before the delivery starts. These order changes will be updated in the ERP Solution if supported by the ERP System.
9. IsProductVariationsActive - Display 'Add to Basket Widget' for Variations of products.
If set to true, the site will allow the user to purchase variations of the product using the Add to Cart Widget. In the example below you can purchase a 50 meter and 10 meter tape simultaneously, without having to change the product size.
If set to false, you will only be able to purchase the 10 meter tape and would have to select the 50 meter option before purchasing that item.
10. ActivePaymentGateWay: During checkout, users can place orders by credit card, here we specify what payment portal is to be used for the Credit Card Authorization.
We currently Support;
-, entered as Authorize.
- Sagepay, entered as Sagepay.
- WorldPay, entered as Worldpay.
11. IISLogPath: This is the standard IIS Log path which records the IP Address of a user when they access the site.
We have the functionality to restrict access to the site via IP Address if needed.
12. BranchNumber: Setup of the site branch number -- Redundant
Sub Category: Basic Settings & System Config: Password Validation
This category allows the administrator user to set the password validation criteria, for users when creating and re-setting passwords via the website.
We use regex to define the format.
Example 1 - Basic: minimum 7 digits, Alpha numeric ( no special characters).
Example 2 - Secure Password:
This regular expression can be used for validating a strong password. It expects at least 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, and 1 digit. It will also allow for some special characters, !@#$%^&*(). The length should be greater than 7 characters.
The sequence of the characters is not important. No spaces allowed.
Example 3 - Simple ( Any characters, Alphanumeric or special characters).
1. Regex: This regex controls the password generation for all users on the site, with the exception of Telesales users.
2. Regex for Telesales (Max Length = 8): This regex is specifically for the validation of Telesales users.
Please contact our support desk if you need any other formats defined.
Sub Category: Basic Settings & System Config: B2CAnonymUserAccount -
When an anonymous/guest users accesses the site, we need to define what prices and products should be shown to these users.
We cater for this facility by creating a default User and assign them to a retail price list and a product visibility group.
This user / currency is then stored in the system configuration as shown below.
1. CurrencyCode: Set to the currency code you intend to use for the guest users.
2. UserId: Set the UserId
Sub Category: Basic Settings & System Config: UseStickyNavigationMenu
This configuration allows us to set the navigation menu, which allows users to access all the product types and groups, to always remain at the top of the users browser window.
1. Is sticky navigation (true/false)
a. Set the config True
When set to true, the navigation menu will continue to display to users even when they are scrolling down the websites pages.
For example, in the below image I am scrolling down a product listing page, the navigation menu continues to remain accessible without scrolling to the top of the page.
b. Set the config False
When set to false, it will not continue to display after scrolling down the page. To access the menu again you would need to scroll back up the page.
Sub Category: Basic Settings & System Config: SiteStartupPopup
This feature allows the user to display a Popup Window when the user accesses the site.
The Popup Content / Design is created and edited via the Web Content Management System
1. Display popup window (config 1): Determines whether the popup will display.
Once a user has closed this it should not appear to them again until the cookie information has been cleared
If set to true, a popup will display, depending on the content.
If set to false no popup will display.
2. Popup Window Delay Timeout (config 2): The delay before the popup will display to users,
this is set in seconds.
Sub Category: VAT Settings & Config Type: Tax codes
This category can have multiple entries, as each tax/vat rate should have its own entry.
1. TaxCodeType: This is the ID of the tax code,
You can set the tax code type here as per the above screenshot
2. TaxCodeDescription: The assigned description of that tax code.
The tax code assigned to a product can be seen on the product details in admin.
3. TaxCodeRate: The percentage rate this tax/vat value is applied as at checkout.
You should create a record for each tax rate that you use in your ERP System. On import of the products from your ERP System we check that these vat rates have been created and assign them to the Product Record as shown above.
During checkout, as long as the scenario is applicable, i.e. delivery address is VAT/Tax applicable, then VAT/Tax will be displayed.