When a user account is generated, either via registering on the website or being imported from an ERP system a welcome email will be sent.

These are separated in to B2c (retail users registering on the website) and B2b 9 (Imported from ERP) email templates.

How to setup this?

- Go to the Admin > Content Management > Web Contents > Select the Email Template in the drop-down and find the B2C/B2B Registration template as per your requirement

To find the templates, Admin > Content Management > Web Contents >Email Templates 

Here you will see the B2C and B2B Registration templates.

Generally these emails are very simple, we separate these into B2c and B2b, allowing customers to specify what is said to each type of customer.

Below you can see an example of a B2c user registration email, addresses the user, advises their username.

also links them to the forgotten password system in the even they want to reset their password.

Below is an example of a B2B welcome email, advising users of the benefits they'll receive logging in as a trade user,

in addition to what was in the b2c email. 

To see the information calls that can be added to email templates please see the linked Article