Abandoned emails can be setup to be sent to customers to remind them that they've not completed an order. 

- Go to the Admin > Content Management > Web Contents > Email Templates

Here you will have either a template named similarly to Abandoned Email 1st , or you can click new to being create a new template.

On this page you will need to set a content name, this will be for assigning when this email will be used.

In the item descriptions drop down select abandoned email.

The content for the email is managed via HTML, the rendered example below would advise the users of what they had left in their basket.

Other customers want to show simpler emails with links to the basket page, rather than advise customer what they have left.

Once you've create the template or templates you plan to use, you will need to setup the timing for when they will be sent.

Admin > Sales > Abandon Email 

Here you will find whether any reminders have been created, you can either edit there or delete them and create new ones.

When editing or creating the reminder, you will be able to tailor using the following settings.

Subject: The subject of the email being sent.

User Type: The user type this particular email will be sent to.

Reminder: This will allow you to set multiple levels of reminders, i.e if an email has already been sent you

may want a second reminder to be sent to users.

Email Template: Here you will select the template you created or edited.

Wait: How long after the user has abandoned the basket before an email can be sent.

Enabling the service!

 After configuring the abandoned setup the next thing to setup will be the service.

Go to the Admin > Data Transfer > Service Configuration > edit the SendAbandonEmail service.

Set the interval for how often you wish for the site to attempt to send the emails, Flag can be set to either time, if you want emails sent once a day or interval if you want it running multiple times a day.

To see the information calls that can be added to email templates please see the linked Article