Through admin, you're able to generate users, these should only be users who cannot be generated either by

users through registration, or via importing from an ERP system.

New User

To manually create a user, go to Admin > Sales > Users, then once in the users click new.


You will now be taken to a page which appears as below.

The minimum fields are highlighted below with * otherwise you will not be able to save a user.

*Username - The user login name, this and email can be used by the user to login.

BO userid - If the user is imported from SAP, this ID is brought across and links them to their SAP contact Person.

*First Name - The users first name, can be used in email, and on some pages through out the site.

*Last Name - The users Last name, can be used in emails, and on some pages through out the site. 

*Email Address - The users email address, used for login, as well as any emails sent from the site such as orders and resetting password.

Telephone - Users primary Telephone number.

Telephone 2 - Users secondary Telephone number

Mobile - Users mobile Number

Company Name - The Company the user is associated with.

*Password - Must follow current site password rules, passwords rules are managed via Regex. 

*Customer - The customer the user is linked too, will dictate product visibility and pricing.

Payment Profile - The Payment methods available to the customer.

Currency Code - Currency the customer will use. 

Country Code - County the user is based.

*Shipping Charge - An additional charge on top of any other shipping charge users will need to pay during checkout, i.e if shipping method selected during checkout was $10.00, and shipping charge was 5.00, the user will be charged $15 at checkout.

User Type Flag - The user type of the user, if the user had come across from ERP, this would of been assigned as Trade by default.

Please see below for a complete list of User types.

Default User Image Directory - The default directory to look for User Image in

Free Delivery - If you do not want to charge the user any shipping charges during checkout highlight this field.

Inactive - If you do not want this user to be able to login highlight this field, if user comes across from SAP, this can be done via the SAP contact person.

User Image - If the theme allows for the displaying of a users image, can be assigned here.

User Types

Trade - The Default user type, for B2b users who've been imported from ERP systems.

Administrator - An account for managing the site, has access to the admin section of the site, may not have access to all system configuration. Can impersonate users via users.

Consultant - For system consultants, has access to all System configurations.

In House - Not applicable

Sales Rep - Users with access to the field sales module, through field sales they can impersonate users, view their orders and place orders. 

A user can be automatically linked to a sales rep, if the sales rep linked in SAP, their SAP email matches the user name used in Ecom.

Otherwise they can be manually linked.

Retail - The B2c user type, if site has been configured as such can be generated via user registration.

Key Account Manager - A sales manager that can be assigned to user account.

Anonymous - Not applicable

Amazon User - If site is configured to use Channel unity, addresses and orders that are brought across are associated with this account. 

Ebay User -  If site is configured to use Channel unity, addresses and orders that are brought across are associated with this account. 

Tele Sales - Users with access to the tele sales module, through the telesales module. they can view a users orders and place orders for them. 

Not Used - If a guest users Payment Fails, they will be generated as a Not used account type

News Only - If user registers for mailchimp mailing list through the website and are not logged in, they will be created as a news only account.

Guest user - Automatically assigned to users where the user has placed an order without registering for a retail account.

Adding Addresses

If the account is to be used for in the front end, i.e to add products to the basket, even for testing or to view the my account page, it will need a Billing and Shipping address.

To create and address go to Admin > Sales > User Addresses, then click new.

The first address type you'll need to create is a Default (billing address).

See * for required fields 

*User - The user account the address is assigned to.,

Delivery Code - The type of address.

Bill/Ship To Company - Billing company name.

*Address Line 1 - First Line of the address

Address Line 2 - Second line

Address Line 3 - Third line

Town - Billing Town

County - County or State

Post Code - ZIp or postal code

Location Id - If the address has come from SAP, this will be the delivery ID/name of that address.

Delivery Post Code - Used as part of the postal codes config.

Area - Used as part of the Areas config. 

Country - Billing Country, if not using Avalara, this can affect the Vat/tax applied to an order.

Delivery Service - Can be linked as part of the shipping service config.

Default Shipping Address - Whether this is the default shipping address, for Billing leave unticked.

Active - Whether this address is in use.

The Second Address type is Shipto (shipping)

See * for required fields 

*User - The user account the address is assigned to.

Delivery Code - The type of address.

Bill/Ship To Company - Billing company name.

Ship to Contact - Name of the contact for the shipping location

Ship to Telephone - Telephone of the shipping address.

*Address Line 1 - First Line of the address

Address Line 2 - Second line

Address Line 3 - Third line

Town - Billing Town

County - County or State

Post Code - ZIp or postal code

Location Id - If the address has come from SAP, this will be the delivery ID/name of that address.

Delivery Post Code - Used as part of the postal codes config.

Area - Used as part of the Areas config. 

Country - Billing Country, if not using Avalara, this can affect the Vat/tax applied to an order.

Delivery Service - Can be linked as part of the shipping service config.

Default Shipping Address - Whether this is the default shipping address, if 2

Active - Whether this address is in use.