ODS's Promo standards intergration provides log files to track the history of the use of the integration.

These logs are written to the webserver, as set by the PromoStandardLogPath system configuration.

Promo standard logs will be be placed in to a success or failed folder.

In These folders you will see another set of folders for each of the promo standards api's that have been used.

Inside those folders you will see a dated folder for when the API was accessed.

And finally in those folders you will see a response and request messages, these messages will start by advising the

business partner who is attempting to use the API, whether it is a request or response message, then a date time stamp.

The messages held in the request messages will differ per API used, they'll advise the id and password used.

Below for instance we can see a successful configuration and pricing request.

If however the information in the request was incorrect or there was some other issue you'd see something similar to below, which is for a failed invoice request.

The failed message provides a code and description regarding the issue encountered, which you should be able to cross reference with our Promo standard Implementation article.

If however you receive an error you are not able confirm the cause of based on the request and response message, please contact ODS and we will look into it.