We display delivery services based on different post-code groups for different areas and countries.


Admin > Shipping > Carriers

For Every company you intend to use for shipping, E.g. Ups, Royal Mail, Other, they should each have their own Carrier Setup.

Carrier Name: Will be displayed in the checkout, depending on the shipping service used, also used as an identifier while creating Carrier Assignment Rule.

Tracking URL: Used by the order despatch service when sending tracking information to users, this service is currently only for use with the SAGE Back Office system.

Cut Off Despatch Time: If using delivery day selection, if placing order after cut off time, will add an additional day to delivery

Is Carrier Own Transport: If set to true selected It will take DeliveryArea from UserAddress otherwise it will take DeliveryArea from PostCodeGroup to calculate the delivery date.?


Admin > Shipping > Areas

Indicates the Delivery days available if the carrier is marked as, Carrier is own Transport under the carriers setup option.

Code: Identifier code for an area.

Description: Description for an area.

Deliver Sunday To Saturday: Indicates what days an order can be delivered on, this will only if the carrier is set to own transport.

If not being used, delivery days will come from Services setup

When a Users address is created, it will have an associated area, Unknown by default but can be set to use area from here.

In addition to them being configured to a users specific address, they can also be assigned under a post code Group.


Admin > Shipping > Services

The services are the actual delivery mothds that will be displayed to users, if using a carrier such as UPS or Fedex, these will also be used to call to the Carriers API.

Service Code: Identifier in the back end for the service, will be shown in when configuring the Carrier Assignment Rules later on.

Description: Provides the name of the service to users when checking out and when linking it into Delivery charges.

Deliver Lead Time: If customers ordered items are out of stock, It will add specified days in delivery date.

Deliver Cut Off Time: If customer orders after this time, It will add one more day in delivery date.

Stock: Allows you to set whether the service will be available depending on if item is 'In Stock', 'Out of Stock' or does not matter.

Calculation Type: Allows you to set whether this service will be available in depending on any of the following qualifiers.

As when setting up delivery charges, you will be asked to enter a from qualifier.

Order Value

Order Weight

Order Volume

Order Weight and Volume

Free Delivery: Sets a value over which using this service will be free to applicable users.

Deliver Sunday To Saturday: Indicates whether the parcel is available to be delivered on a selected days, only when carrier is not own Transport.

Customer Specific: Set service for a specific customer's address by ticking this box.

Applicable on Ecommerce only

To apply, you will need to set under system configuration "ShippingSettings", Config 5 to true.

Under a users address you will then be able to set a specified service to an address.

Customer Override: This will allow this services delivery charge to be overwritten with custom entered rates,
only applicable on Telesales only

ServiceBO Id: This is service code that will be exported with the order To SAP.

Carrier Service Code: Unique codes from third party API services. For Example, FedEx and UPS.

Any product can be shipped via this service: If ticked, this service will be usable no matter what product is ordered.. 

If set to false, the service will only be available when only specified products are in the basket. 

When true a button will appear in the main service menu, when clicking this into another menu you will then be able to specify the services products.

Delivery Charge

Admin > Shipping > Delivery Charges

Here you setup the delivery charge associated with a service, for a service to display it must have a charge, in the case of services that take their charge from an API, the charge must be setup but the charge field left as 0

Carrier: Carrier to be used for the delivery charge.

Service: Service to be used for the delivery charge.

Country: Select the country for this particular delivery charge, if a service is available to multiple countries you must setup multiple delivery charges with a seperate country.

From Weight: Used when CalculationType is Order Weight, selected in the service maintenance.

Billing Address Delivery Charge: The charge applied when you place an order with Billing Address, charge must not include tax.

Shipping Address Delivery Charge: The charge applied when you place an order with Shipping Address, charge must not include tax. 

Alternative Address Delivery Charge: The charge applied when you place an order with an Alternative Address, charge must not include tax. 

Collection Address Delivery Charge: The charge applied when you place an order with Collection Address, charge must not include tax. 

Post Code Groups

Admin > Shipping > Post Code Groups

Used to define the post code ranges available, services will then use this when linked together via carrier Assignment rules.

Code: Unique post code group code.

Description: Description of how the group is designed.

Area: You can create PostCode Groups for different Areas.

Surcharges: Based on the Address type during checkout, it can apply an additional surcharge;

These should always be cost before VAT/TAX.

BillTo Address Surcharge

ShipTo Address Surcharge

Alternative Address Surcharge

Collection Address Surcharge

Maximum Order Weight: You can set a maximum limit of the parcel weight for a postcode group.

If the order weight exceeds the specified amount, It will show below error in basket.

Post Code Range: You are then able to define the Ranges of PostCodes, each post code group can have 

If the order weight exceeds the specified amount, It will show below error in basket.

To allow all zip codes, set up postcode group as per screenshot

Postal Codes - Astute Back Office ONLY!

Admin > Shipping > Postal Codes

Used only for Astute BO system, as that system uses its own delivery calculation.

Deliver Sunday To Saturday: Indicates whether the parcel is applicable to be delivered on a selected days

Apply Congestion Charge: - Not used

To then apply a Post Code to a User address, Go to Admin > Sales > User Address > Edit

Carrier Assignments Rules

Go to Admin > Shipping > Carrier Assignment Rules 

Which links Carriers to countries and their services, as well as the Postcode area's it will apply to.

Carrier: Depending on the Carrier selected, the Services available will differ.

Description: The Countries these rules will apply to.

Include Countries: The applicable countries for this rule.

Include Post Code Groups: The Post code ranges covered.

Available Services - The services available for this rule, please remember to make sure that delivery charges exist for the countries you want to include in the included countries.

From Weight and To Weight: Minimum and maximum Parcel Weight.

Criteria Search Order No: Not used

 Delivery Weekend Holidays

Admin > Shipping > Delivery Weekend Holidays

If using delivery dates based on lead days in ecom, this can be used to setup Holiday where delivery will not occur.

In screenshot below, Saturday and Sunday are delivery holidays, also 2021-12-24 and 2021-12-25 are festival/National holidays. We won't deliver on these days.


Admin > Site Configuration > Countries

Surcharge: If delivering to a country a Surcharge can be applied in checkout.

Extra No. Delivery Days: If calculating delivery dates using the ecom sites lead days, you can apply additional lead days based on Country.

Maximum order weight: can be set from country, If the order weight exceeds the specified amount, It will show below error in basket.

Country @CountryName maximum order weight limit is @MaximumOrderWeight @WeightUnit, your order weight is @TotalWeight @WeightUnit, please remove some item or cancel order.


Admin > Sales > Users > Edit

In addition to other configuration, we also allow you to dictate whether a user will get free shipping regardless of the above configurations, by setting the free delivery to true.