Exporting the sheet
-Please note, these instructions are meant for ODSnet version 6.8, where export full URL's is enabled.
Go to Admin > Data Transfer > Import-Export Product
You can then press download under Export products, this will then take about a minute, while the products are compiled before being downloaded as an excel spreadsheet.
Importing Images
As a note, when importing, we recommend only importing the products you wish to update,
You can create a new sheet by copying the header row, and then the subsequent product rows.
In columns AL to AO in the spreadsheet, we will have the primary and 3 secondary images Linked to a product.
When changing these images, you will want them to be stored in the same folder as their brand, e.g if an item is part of the Apico brand, please take the URL for the new images from that folder in the media library.
The easiest way to grab new URL’s (if they are not already in the export sheet) will be to go to the folder in the library, find the intended image, and click on the image.
You can then copy the URL and add the domain information in the excel.
Once you have filled out all your image updates, save the excel, please make sure this is saved as the .xlsx format, and go back to the import product screen.
Open the Choose file, locate where you save the file, and you should be able to upload, once the product import is complete a view import results button will display, which you can open to provide a summary of the import.
Importing YouTube URLS and thumbnails
In addition to the images, you can now link YouTube videos and their thumbnails, using columns AP and AQ.
Column AP copy the URL of the video you wish to use from the YouTube page and paste it into the column.
For the thumbnail, it is a slightly different process, the base URL you’ll want to use is https://img.youtube.com/vi/Blank/default.jpg
Then replace the blank text, with the video id from the YouTube video, you can see the id section highlighted below.
If you do not import a thumbnail URL, the page will display a default grey thumbnail.
Please then repeat the import process, once completed, you will now have the video and thumbnail linked on your product page.